How I Lived a Year on Just a Pound a Day – Kath Kelly (★★★) – A drastic lifestyle of hitch-hiking and “borrowing” I don’t think I could live myself. I also read the other five canon Dune books, but I enjoyed this first one the most. I found it had a lot of names and I required a YouTube guide to get through it, but it was worth it! Fascinating insight into declining empires, environmentalism and ecology. Dune – Frank Herbert (★★★) – A seminal Sci-Fi novel. The Remains of the Day – Kazuo Ishiguro (★★★) – Read this to understand the fundamental English attitude to the world! However it got a bit boring in second half, that’s why only 3 stars. Essential reading for engineering students! Gordon (★★★) – A history of bridges, buildings how they developed from blueprints to being analytically designed. Structures : Or Why Things Don’t Fall Down – J. #Cleaner datamosh professional#
The Mamba Mentality – Kobe Bryant (★★★)- Very human, sacrificing and harsh lifestyle of a professional basketball player put into truly captivating photography and words. Normally a genre I wouldn’t have read, but the book was recommended to me by a friend. Siddhartha – Hermann Hesse (★★★)- Wonderful book about a spiritual journey of self-discovery of a man named Siddhartha during the time of the Gautama Buddha. An exciting, but safe journey for space lovers. However, the results are amazing and author is so humble. Years of perseverance, being able to deal with risk, stress. An Astronaut’s Guide to Life on Earth – Chris Hadfield (★★★★) Great book on the extreme effort required to be an astronaut. However, the book has fascinating points on sociology and the death of religion and where we are going, philosophy, as a species. Homo Deus – Yuval Noah Harari (★★★★) Follow up to Sapiens, not quite as captivating, I felt I knew some of the points already and does take a while to get into. Yes, we literally will all die if we don’t safely and consciously develop it. Life 3.0 – Max Tegmark (★★★★) – Interesting study on the exponential and frightening power of AI. If you read one book in your life, make sure it is this. Infinitely fascinating on so many topics. Sapiens – Yuval Noah Harari (★★★★★) – confirmed all the biases of the world that I never quite understood and put them into concrete words. Here are my favourite 10 books and what I thought about them. I read 18 books in 2019! This was quite a feat for me. Thank you to my teammate Duncan for all his hard work! Thank you reader for reading and trying out our game! Enjoy your day! 😀 C++ and SFML – I have done several courses in C++, but nothing teaches as well as making a real application with unforeseen issues and frustrations – this was that experience at lightning pace as there several iterative hand-in steps every three weeks or so. Iteratively working in a team remotely for several months – because of the lockdown I could not see my teammate for several months, we had to adapt and work through Discord meetings and detailed commits and notes on Github. Version Control – with several commit and release issues we needed to fix, I would say my skills in Git and Github are now Intermediate!.
Other documentation, such as a Doxygen-generated project documentation guide can be found in the link under ‘ The Game‘ heading above – called ‘ Super Pac-Man Docs.zip‘.